I've been kicking around the idea of streamlining our posts here to better serve our customers. So taking a page out of Chris Guillebeau's playbook, we are going to shift to a guaranteed 3 posts a week with miscellaneous updates, such as restocking, scattered throughout.
Here is the breakdown:
Monday- New recipe. We'll continue to bounce around Asia with these, but if there is a specific recipe anyone wants to share or wants to see let us know and we can put it up.
Wednesday- Asian culture. This day's post will be dedicated to highlighting some aspect of the various cultures across Asia.
Friday- Sari Sari aka variety. Friday's post topics will range from culture, to local events to stupid video's we found on Youtube. There is a real good chance it will be food related.
Those are the guaranteed posts. If something comes up we feel is worth posting, we will post it. This is just an effort to make the blog better for those of you out there reading.
As always remember to subscribe to keep up to date with the blog. Either on the right side using RSS, Myspace, or any other number of sites. Or become a fan with our new Facebook widget over on the left.
See y'all at the store.